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Search Engine Marketing

SEM / SEO Services

SEM and SEO are NOT the last piece of the website redesign puzzle

Search engine marketing plans begin to formulate at the beginning of a website redesign project, not at the end of the project.  Why redesign a website if you haven't thought about how to get prospects to find your content?


SEM services include the following tasks:

  • identifying the segments of your target market

  • defining topics of interest per segment

  • specifying the desired result / call-to-action for each segment of your target market

  • reviewing applicable search engine marketing strategies; examples include organic SEO, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, marketplaces, quality link building, social networking

Your search engine marketing plan helps determine how to structure website content.



SEO services focus on your content. Search engine optimization does NOT merely add keywords to your content. For SEO to be effective, the content needs to be structured and segmented to meet the searching needs of your prospects. Good SEO not only attracts qualified site visitors, but also focuses on conversion of website visitors to their next stage in the sales cycle.

 But I've already redesigned my website; can AccuVis help me get more customers?

AccuVis provides search engine marketing services and search engine optimization services after a website redesign project, but it often involves restructuring web site content and rewriting content to better match the needs of your target market. Every situation is unique, and we'll partner with you if SEM and SEO services can provide the missing piece of the puzzle for your successful website.

Lead With Search!

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